The 3 of us woke up quietly sometime around 7 a.m., and for the second morning in a row the snow was really coming down. Overnight we accumulated another inch of snowfall for a grand total of TWO inches. Hard to believe 2 days ago it was 70 outside...
I'm enjoying the the stillness of this Saturday morning snow while I listen to slow, weepy Amos Lee songs. Wesley is taking his morning nap. Sean is probably off reading a magazine or paper somewhere. Oh wait...Wesley is awake. My plan to share quiet, reflective thoughts with y'all has quickly changed. WARNING: the remainder of this post will be random, disjointed information about our lives.
The warm weather earlier this week meant storms...which meant tornado warnings...which meant waking up at 3 a.m. and cramming ourselves into the half bath downstairs. In 30 years I've only been to a "safe place" twice in my life despite the fact that we have a few tornado warnings each year. Oops. Now that we have a kid I plan on being way more responsible.
The storm woke me up at 1:30 a.m., and I thought the house was coming down. Just when I thought it couldn't sound any worse, it got stronger so I woke Sean and asked him to pull up the news. We made the decision to wake the bebe and take him to the safe place just as the sirens started to sound. Wesley was confused - Is it time to get up? Why are we sitting in this tiny room? - but as soon as it was all over he went back to bed peacefully. Baby of the Year Award!
Thankfully, we had no damage other than the smoker being tossed about the back yard. My dad's house got beaten by the super-strong winds. Two 100+ year old trees came crashing down on his brand new privacy fence and onto the roof of his carriage house. His trailor holding a 4 wheeler was pushed 30 yards down the street.
As the storm moved eastward, the winds grew stronger and evetually turned into an EF0 tornado as it passed over Liberty Elementary just a few miles from our home. Quite scary when you stop to think about the fact that everything you have - even your life - could be taken by such a strong storm in just the blink of an eye. WHOOP! Just tossed about in the air and spit back out. I'm glad that didn't happen to us...this time.
I didn't finish this blog post yesterday. Truth is, I don't finish much of anything these days! Unless, of course, my wonderful husband helps out, which he does often.
It's Sunday now and the snow has completely disappeared. Temps are now in the 50's and it's quite nice outside. We've been busy doing weekend chores, and even did a bit of crafting we the baby. Wesley's dad was thrilled when we asked him to help with the crafts. I'm pretty certain he wanted nothing to do with the crafting, but he didn't complain and he jumped right in to help us.
I mean, it was totally necessary. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't have a mold of tiny footprints and handprints!?
In other news, I'm staring at my planner and I feel like the month of February is going to fly by. Sean is gearing up for his big event with Next Gen on the 22nd. We have several family members coming to visit around the same time. Sean's Dad and Ann will be here, plus Emily and Amanda. I have a feeling Wesley's cheeks will be chapped from so many kisses that week!
Speaking of Wesley, how did I forget to mention that he started solids? Yes, rice cereal - mmmmmm mmmmmm. Days 1 and 2 weren't so great - lots of crying. But day 3 was a different story. He actually seemed to enjoy it! Granted, he still couldn't figure out the swallowing bit (which is kind of important), so most of it still ended up on his bib. This mom sure was proud, though. I'm looking forward to more advanced mealtimes and him being able to join us at the dinner table. I think I'm off to take a gander at some high chairs.